Make sure that the crown is not covered with soil though. Then take the plant out of the container and put it in the trench and cover with soil.

Make a small trench in the middle of the container. Do not buy potting soils that will float to the surface. Fill the container with garden soil almost to the top of the pan. Water lilies are large plants and grow rapidly. As I said, throw the small plastic container away and use a larger container.

Now back to the bare-rooted water lily plant that you got. They are light enough to pull out of the pond for maintenance or dividing. That is why I prefer using 8-quart dish washing pans. The problem is that the larger the container the more it weighs. The flower pots are top-heavy so are easy for the fish to turn over. Water lilies are shallow rooted and tend to spread out so would have to be replanted frequently. There are a couple of disadvantages to these pots. You are probably wondering why you can’t use regular flower pots. It is best to get colored pans rather than a while since the colored ones are not as obvious in the pond. These pans sell for a dollar or two from dollar stores. What I use is 8-quart plastic dishwasher pans. My advice is to throw the container away and use a large container. These plants come in a very small container with instructions to use it. Planting Hardy Water Lilies Pink Water Lily Flower If you have a friend that will give you some of her larger water lily roots, these will be much larger and easier to get growing. These plants are very small, so it will take longer for them to get established. Now here is the bad news about these bare-rooted plants from stores. Water lilies are also available from water gardening business that you can order from online. Sometimes you can find fully potted ones at nurseries. Water lilies are easy to find bare rooted in the springtime in stores such as Wal-Mart, Home Depot, and similar stores. Summary Purchase Bare Root Water Lilies.Which fish you can add to water lily Pond?.